Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ciao Italia!


Just because everyone keeps telling me to be safe…here’s a little something to calm your nerves.
I am always wearing my geeky travel money pouch when I leave the ship. This give the triple advantages that no one will steal my money, I haven’t been buying that much because I don’t want to get my money out from under my clothes, and all of my friends get a few laughs out of watching me almost flash all of Europe as I’m digging around under my clothes for the travel pouch when I do want to buy something.
I do not play on the ship’s railings…so therefore I will not fall into the ocean and subsequently drown. (Did you know that I would be sent home if I did this? They’re very intense with the rules here.)
I’m not drinking to excess and walking through unknown places at night like some of my ship mates. So there is very little chance that I will be robbed/abducted/anything else scary that could happen.
I have been using hand sanitizer religiously, they have automatic dispensers everywhere on the ship, so I have yet to contract a dishabilitating illness yet and do not plan on it.
I have been carrying my international phone with me at all times, and will use it in case of emergency. (Thanks Mom).
So don’t worry, I’m safe!
I signed up for the “Adopted Family” program on the ship so my “Shipboard” parents are Becky and Brad, a newly married couple from DC who are working as a learning coordinator and a tech guy, respectively. They’re super nice and I had dinner with them and my ship-brother and sisters tonight.
Tonight we are going through two islands at sunset: one French and one Italian, which are supposed to be very close together, so that will be really interesting to see. And tomorrow when I wake up we’ll be in Italy! I’m going to Rome for the three days that the ship is staying in Civitivecchia and then coming back to the ship to travel to Naples. I won’t have email access while I’m in Rome, so my next blog won’t be for a few days.


  1. I watched the slideshow from SAS.org and you're in it! It's the one from Halifax. You're in your green sweatshirt with your turquoise bag. :) http://www.semesteratsea.org/current-voyage/overview/watch-slideshows.php

  2. ha ha, thats funny. thanks tesa! ill check it out
